SDCS 05 Zeta Gundam
Zeta Gundam from "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" appears in the "SD Gundam Cross Silhouette" series where you can enjoy two silhouettes!
Characteristic coloring is reproduced, and by combining it with the separately sold "SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Frame", it is possible to raise the head and improve mobility!
In combination with "SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Zaku II", you can also reproduce "Ζ Zaku" that appears in "Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ"!
- Beam rifle x 1
- Shield (Grenade Launcher) x 1
- Beam saber x 1
[Product details]
- Molded product x 3
- Foil sticker x 1
- Instruction manual x 1