FMP - HG Gernsback Ver.IV (Aggressor Unit) 1/60
From "Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory" comes an Aggressor Squadron Gernsback Ver.IV in HG form! Its coloring is specific to the Aggressor Squadron to set it apart from the normal Gernsback Ver.Iv.
76mm sniper cannon x1
GEC-B 40mm rifle x1
GRAW-2 single molecule cutter x1
M1108 anti-tank dagger x1
Graz Mannlicher AWS2000 (assault carbine type) x1
Foil stickers
"Fullmetal panic! Invisible Victory "that appeared in the aggressor unit of three-dimensional Garns back.
Reproduce the coloring of aggressor troops by molding color!
76mm Sniper Gun 1
GEC-B 40mm Rifle 1
GRAW-2 Single Molecular Cutter 1
M1108 Anti-tank Car Dagger 1
Graz Mangicher AWS2000 (Assault · Carbin Type) 1
Molded article 17
Foil seal 1
Instruction manual 1